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Worcester Lib Dems join Somerton and Frome By-Election Campaign

Whilst the Worcester Lib Dems are always working hard for the people of Worcester, they also try to help out their fellow party members and candidates wherever possible.

It was this that took WLD City and County Councillor for Claines Mel Allcott and WLD Exec member Stuart Wild to Somerton and Frome to throw their considerable talents behind Sarah Dyke, the Lib Dem candidate for the recent by-election.

On the 16th July they travelled to the rural constituency in Somerset and just so happened to bump in to a familiar face: Lib Dem Leader Sir Ed Davey.

Sir Ed was no stranger to the campaign having visited the area 6 times in the run up to the by-election. He was also no stranger to Mel.

“It was super to see Sir Ed again.  We had met a few times in the past and Ed always finds the time to speak with members and is a real pleasure to chat with.  We talked about the Somerton and Frome by-election campaign with real positivity.  We think it proved to be a good omen as Sarah Dyke won !”

In fact not only did Sarah Dyke go on to win but with the previous incumbent having a majority of 19,213 it proved to be one of the largest turnarounds at a UK by-election since 1945.

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