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Urgent Call to Preserve Healthcare Access in Worcester

Farrier House Surgery in Worcester

In response to the impending closure of Farrier House Surgery, a vital GP practice in Worcester, residents, and community leaders, including prospective LibDem council candidate Paul Jagger and wife Cllr Jessie Jagger have raised concern after they received a letter telling them their GP practice Farrier House Surgery is set to close its doors on 1st March.

The letter cited recruitment challenges and rising costs as insurmountable obstacles. The closure raises concerns about the strain on Worcester’s already overstretched healthcare system and the potential exacerbation of difficulties in securing timely GP appointments.

Cllr Mel Allcott and Paul Jagger

Paul Jagger said “I don’t want to lose my GP. This practice was already overstretched, and if they go, it will get even worse. I know people in the city who struggle to get a GP as it is”

Parliamentary spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats Mell Alcott said “ Worcester healthcare is at a critical juncture. Losing more GP practices is not an option. The closure of Farrier House Surgery will only compound the strain we are already experiencing. We need long term solutions to train and retain more doctors”

In response to these concerns, the Jaggers have initiated an online petition demanding immediate action to preserve Farrier House Surgery, secure better contracts for GPs, and implement sustainable healthcare solutions.

The petition, spearheaded by community leaders and supported by the Liberal Democrats Worcester, aims to draw attention to the urgent need for intervention in safeguarding healthcare access in Worcester.

The petition which was created on Change.org and has been supported by Worcester City Councillors Sarah Murray and Karen Lawrance. 


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