Parents of children going to Bishop Perowne School from Warndon Villages have raised concerns that their children might get left standing at the bus stop. The bus was running at near capacity last year and with more new starters than numbers who have left year 11, there is a risk that children will get left waiting at the bus stop.
The number 39 bus has capacity to carry 46 children, with 17 of those standing.
Parents have contacted Councillor Sarah Murray to raise concerns.
Cllr Murray said ‘I have contacted the County Council and it is being looked into by the Cabinet lead for Highways, but I have not yet received any substantive answers or reassurance from them. Bishops is not the first choice of school for many of these families. Children have been sent there because of insufficient spaces at their catchment school. The least they can expect is an adequate bus service.’
Cllr Murray has also spoken to and met with LMS Transport to discuss the matter. ‘They are not able to put a bigger bus on the route and confirmed that they cannot carry more than 46 children.’
‘Parents are concerned that children will be left standing at the bus stop and to walk would take over an hour each way which would be challenging, particularly in bad weather. I don’t know the actual numbers of children expected to be taking this bus, but some reassurance from Cllr Mike Rouse would be nice.’
Cllr Murray said ’Without information from the County Council these parents are being left to wait and see. The new term, and particularly starting a new school is stressful enough without the added worry of whether they can actually get there. It’s imperative that children arrive at school safely and on time.’