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JESSIE’S BLOG: Period Equality

Tackling Period Inequality: Our Pioneering Scheme

In Claines, we are proud to launch a pioneering scheme aimed at combatting period inequality in our community. Spearheaded by Cllr Jessie Jagger, our team is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to essential hygiene products, regardless of their financial situation or background.


Period inequality is a pressing issue that affects individuals across various demographics, impacting their education, employment, and mental health. Shockingly, recent surveys have highlighted the extent of this problem, with many individuals forced to prioritize food and fuel over period products. Our scheme aims to address this injustice by providing free sanitary products at select locations in Claines.

About The Products offered 

We are sourcing the products from a UK company renowned for its sustainability and social consciousness. The pads 100% plant-based, biodegradable and sourced from a UK-based social enterprise. For every box purchased, the enterprise will donate a box to another area in need, amplifying the impact of our initiative.

How It Will Work:

Starting immediately, individuals in need of period products can access them free of charge at Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Claines Church, and Scouts Worcester. The scheme’s success will be evaluated, and if proven successful, donations will be sought to sustain it. Those interested in contributing can email jessievjagger@outlook.com.While there is currently a limited supply for each location, we will review the uptake after the trial period and seek donations to sustain the scheme if it proves successful.

Our aim is to provide barrier-free access for all individuals in a discreet and dignified manner, ensuring that no one in our community is left behind due to something as natural as menstruation. Together, we can make a difference and create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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