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12,212 pensioners in Worcester to be hit by £1,000 stealth tax bombshell following the Budget

Cllr Mel Allcott, Parliamentary Candidate for Worcester

12,212 Worcester pensioners are set to be hit with a £ 12,211,770 stealth tax following the Budget, new analysis by the Liberal Democrats has revealed.

Research by the Resolution Foundation think tank has found pensioners are set to lose out from last week’s Budget.

This is due to the Conservative government’s decision to freeze income tax thresholds, which will lead to a £8 billion tax bombshell for pensioners across the country by 2027-28, or an average of £1,000 each. Further analysis by the Liberal Democrats suggests this will impact on the estimated 12,212 pensioners in Worcester who pay income tax.

Worcester’s Liberal Democrats have said that this showed the Conservative Party has “abandoned” pensioners who are already struggling to pay the bills. The Liberal Democrats were the first party to commit in full to the triple lock for the upcoming election, which ensures pensions will see an increase by whichever is highest of average earnings growth, CPI inflation, or 2.5%. Liberal Democrats have called on the government to double the Winter Fuel Allowance to offer extra help to pensioners, paid for by a proper windfall tax on the oil and gas companies.

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate and spokesperson for Worcester, Cllr Mel Allcott said: “Pensioners who have worked hard and paid taxes all their lives are now being punished by this Conservative government with a £1,000 stealth tax.

“Many elderly people are already struggling to make ends meet as heating bills and the cost of the weekly shop go through the roof. Now these Conservative tax hikes will only pile on the misery.

“The Liberal Democrats are proud of our record of introducing the triple lock to protect people’s pensions. We will stand up for the pensioners in our community who have been cruelly abandoned by the Conservatives, including by calling on the Government to double the Winter Fuel Allowance.” 

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