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SARAHS BLOG: June 2024

The Fab Five!

Election Results
Worcester Liberal Democrats saw five City Councillors elected on 2 May. This is the highest number of Councillors we have ever had and is testament to how hard Liberal Democrats work for their residents. We are particularly delighted that John Rudge has been elected in the St Nicholas ward. We have been working hard in this area for a number of years and residents acknowledged this on 2 May.

Cllr Melanie Allcott, our Parliamentary Candidate, polled more votes than any other candidate in Worcester when she was returned to the Guildhall for the third time. Mel is also now the Mayor of Worcester and we couldn’t be prouder. Support for Mel grows at every election as residents appreciate the hours she puts in. As support for the Conservatives dwindles, more and more Conservative voters are pledging support for Liberal Democrats. We are hoping to see a good number of Liberal Democrat MPs elected to Parliament and fighting for Liberal values. Will you lend Mel your vote on 2 May?

Thank you to each and every one of you who voted Liberal Democrat. We will continue to work hard for all the residents of Leopard Hill and St Nicholas. It’s a beautiful place to live and work and we will strive to keep it that way and make improvements. As always, if there is anything we can help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are now the third largest party on Worcester City Council giving us a much stronger voice to represent you. We have not entered any coalition with other parties and will always vote according to Liberal Democrat principles.

Planning Application
We had a very lively and involved debate recently at the Parish Council Annual General Meeting to give residents a chance to discuss the new development proposals on the land to the east of the A4440. This is the area of land in front of the DHL warehouse. The proposal is to build two drive thru facilities for Starbucks and McDonalds and to introduce electric vehicle charging points and put in some parking.

The consensus of the meeting is that residents are strongly opposed and that they are supported in that opposition by the Parish Council and by Sarah and John as the two local City Councillors.

If you do want to include your own comments or concerns, then please do so before 5th June 2024. You can submit your comments here.

Green Spaces
This week, work is due to start on clearing the ditches and culverts which will enable run off water to flow into the ponds. This should alleviate some of the localised flooding we have been experiencing.  We will continue to update you as work progresses.

Bike Hire Scheme
Beryl Bikes, our new bike hire scheme, is due to be launched later this month. 225 bikes will be available to hire across the city with 175 of those bikes being electric bikes. The bike share scheme will go a long way to reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality, as well as encouraging residents to be healthy and active.

Join Us
You can help us to fight for a better future. Liberal Democrats work hard for communities. We hear your concerns and never take you for granted. That is why we can now boast a membership of more than 90,000 people and that number continues to grow.  Liberal Democrat members devise, develop, debate and decide Liberal Democrat policy.  Members can get involved through joining policy working groups, responding to consultations and attending conferences.  If you would like to join our growing membership you can do so here.  A portion of your membership fees will go directly to our local party and help us to gain even more seats in future elections.  You would be joining a local team of motivated individuals who all want to campaign for a fairer deal for residents, their families and friends.  We hope you will consider joining us.

If you can spare an hour or two each month and would like to help us win locally, perhaps you would be happy to deliver for us in your street. The more deliverers we have, the more time we can spend talking to our neighbours and persuading them to vote for us next May. If you can’t deliver, perhaps you would enjoy getting involved in other administrative tasks. You might even want to join our canvassing team and come out knocking on doors with us. If you’d like to help, please let us know.

If you have any problems or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Cllr Sarah Murray – sarahmurraylibdem@gmail.com
Cllr John Rudge – rudge.john@yahoo.com
Bart Ricketts – email@bartricketts.co.uk

Kind regards
Sarah, John, Bart and Paul

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