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Cllr Sarah Murray and Parish Councillor, John Rudge

As the 2nd May election draws closer I am reflecting back on the challenges and successes of my year in office at Worcester Guildhall.

At my first full Council meeting we were presented with a proposal to use harmful astroturf on an all weather football pitch. Knowing that this would kill the life beneath it, had cancer causing properties and was a material about to be banned in Europe, the LibDem team did not feel it was in the best interests of the people of Worcester to vote for this. I was therefore shocked that every other group of councillors at that meeting voted in favour.

At my second meeting I put forward two motions. One asked the Council to pledge its commitment to the White Ribbon campaign to promote a life free from fear of violence for women and girls. The motion also raised questions about backlogs in Courts. However, the Conservatives voted against it saying that there were no backlogs!

The second motion was about road policing and asked the Council to write to the Home Office about vehicles speeding around Warndon Villages late at night and the lack of resources we had to tackle it. The response from the Home Office was that it fell in the remit of the Police and Crime Commissioner. That was when I first began to think I could do a better job than the current PCC. Now I am standing for that very position which is also electedon the 2nd May 2024.

In October I put forward a motion about Ash Dieback. The reason for this was that in spite of the efforts of the late Cllr Andy Roberts, the can was being kicked further and further down the road. Thankfully a plan is now in place which means that the disease can be sensitively managed and hopefully save some of Worcester’s trees.

As well as these motions, I have worked on many issues for residents of St. Nics. We have worked hard to achieve the best outcomes. Trees have been cut back, gates installed in play areas and street lights have been repaired to name just a few.

We are delighted to report that council officers have secured funding for the restoration of the Offerton Lane Nature Reserve Ponds and will be working to clear the ditches and watercourses that drain into these ponds, which in turn should alleviate a lot of the surface water across Warndon Villages.

I look forward to the elections on 2 May and my greatest wish is that my friend and colleague, John Rudge will be elected to join our team on the Council so we can work even more effectively to get things done for the residents of St.Nicholas.

We always aim to provide sensible solutions as well as scrutiny and challenge to any decisions by the Council. We promised to work for you in the last election. That is what we have done and that is what we will continue to do.

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