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River sewage vote is a failure by our Worcestershire MPs

Last week in the House of Commons MPs had the opportunity to vote for an amendment to the Government’s Environment Bill which would have placed a legal duty on water companies not to pump sewage into rivers including our own river Severn.

The amendment was defeated by the votes of Conservative MPs including Worcester’s MP Robin Walker.

We hear fine words from Mr Walker and his Conservative colleagues about their commitment to developing a green economy yet every time they have the opportunity to put those words into meaningful action they fail to do so.

Our city and our country need local and national leaders who take environmental issues and climate change seriously.

We will not achieve positive action on either with the Conservative Party in charge. In 1878 Gilbert and Sullivan penned these lines in their operetta HMS Pinafore (things haven’t changed much): “I always voted at my party’s call,

And I never thought of thinking for myself at all.”

Mel Allcott

Liberal Democrat City and County Councillor, Claines

This letter was originally published on the Worcester News website on the 27th October, 2021

Link: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/19674176.river-sewage-vote-failure-worcestershire-mps/

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