Thursday 19th October saw the residents of Warndon Villages go to the polls for the City and Council seat by-elections following the sad passing of Councillor Andy Roberts in August.
Standing for the Worcester Liberal Democrats was Warndon Parish North City Councillor, Sarah Murray in the County election, while in the City election Paul Jagger (of the illustrious Team Jagger) took up the baton.
It was a Herculean effort from members and supporters, with many miles walked, hours of free time dedicated and residents contacted as we shared our vision for Warndon Parish.
In the end it wasn’t to be on this occasion, but to each and every member of the team who helped during the campaigns we would like to say a heart felt thank you for all of your dedication, selflessness, passion and incredible skills. The Worcester Lib Dems simply couldn’t do what it does without you.
And to the people in Warndon Parish who voted for Cllr Murray and Paul, we can only say thank you so much for your time and for your support. There were a lot of candidates to chose from and these things are never taken for granted here at WLD. To get your vote means everything to us and we want you to know that We. See. You.
We will be back and will continue to campaign hard for the people of Warndon Parish.
The Worcester Liberal Democrats want to make a real difference and you could be a part of it too! If you or anyone you know would like to join the team just click on the below link and from as little as £15 a year you can help shape the future of the Lib Dems in Worcester and beyond.
Go to https://libdems.my.salesforce-sites.com/LiberalDemocrats/NewMemberLocal