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nunnery wood

Scott Butler

I was born in Worcester and attended school at Bishop Perwone High School, and college at Worcester Sixth Form College. Following this I completed an undergraduate degree and PhD at Cardiff University specialising in geology and climate change. My specialisation has given me a clear understanding of the issues surrounding climate change and is at the heart of my passion for data driven policies that have a positive impact on the environment. 

I have always been involved in local sport. During my youth I played cricket for Old Elizabethans. As an adult I have been a member of Worcester Sorcerers Baseball Club and I am a very keen golfer and tennis player. My sporting background means I am a strong believer in people of all ages having access to sporting facilities, the arts, and museums. No individual should be costed out of something they love to do. 


Residents Take Priority

Making local government more representative of the residents it serves;

The Environment

Protecting our green spaces and woodlands from over development;


Review all areas of council spending. Cut or reprioritise wasteful spending;

Local Focus

Strive to support local businesses, press for more affordable housing and improved facilities for young people;

Buses & Bikes

An accessible and affordable public transport system in Worcester that reduces the need for private cars and supports active travel.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. If you want a community focused councillor who will listen and act in the best interests of constituents, and if you want a fairer, cleaner, greener Worcester, vote for me.

Please drop me an email if you have any questions or concerns.

Spread the WLD Word

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