Lib Dem Councillor Sarah Murray has been making headlines in Worcester this week, bringing forward two motions to the Council.
Firstly, Cllr Murray tabled a motion in support of White Ribbon, a charity that seeks to engage men and boys to end all violence against Women and Girls. The subject is one close to Cllr Murray’s heart, which has led to her becoming a leading advocate for women in the community.
This motion was supported by the West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, a service that offers counselling and other support to thousands of survivors. The Centre reported this week that it is expecting its funding to be cut almost in half by 2025 even though cases have been on the rise.
Councillor Murray’s motion asked for support on a number of measures including writing to the government to address the backlog of cases in the courts and lobbying for more funding for these services. She also wanted to see misogyny and public harassment be classed as a hate crime.
‘Ending violence against women starts when we change the story’ said Councillor Murray. ‘Culture change does not happen overnight. We can end violence against women and girls by recognising what violence is and knowing how to challenge and disrupt harmful attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate gender based violence.’
‘It’s time for us all to raise the standard by refusing to excuse harmful behaviour and calling it out to create the change we need for a more equal and safe society for women and girls. It’s time for us to change the story.’
White Ribbon Day is on the 25th November.
More on this story can be found here: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/23818673.rape-support-service-facing-significant-cuts-lack-funding/?ref=suit

For her second motion, Councillor Murray took aim at the continuing issue of Antisocial driving especially in Warndon Villages.
The topic had been a persistent concern to residents in the area, with many contacting Cllr Murray seeking help in getting their voices heard.
The motion resolved the Managing Director to write to the Home Secretary and Secretary of State for Transport outlining that the council expects the Roads Policing Review to be delivered immediately and that funding for road policing should be restored.
‘The Home Office is responsible for policing in Great Britain. Roads policing is not currently deemed a national strategic priority as it is viewed as a local issue to be determined by Police and Crime Commissioners.
In Warndon Villages, many residents, and particularly those who live close to the wider, straighter roads, are regularly disturbed by late night ‘racers’
I don’t understand why there has been no action taken to address this problem, which has been going on for a number of years. This is a failure of the Conservative administration and a Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner.’
The motion was backed by a majority in the council and successfully passed.