At 5pm on the 22nd May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally announced that the UK would have a general election on the 4th of July.
After months of dithering and delay in a futile attempt to improve their constantly bad numbers, No. 10 finally threw in the towel and called the inevitable. After a battering in the recent local elections leaving the Conservatives third in council seat numbers, Rishi’s plan to count on voter apathy to help stem their losses was only too plain to see for anyone involved.
At 5.01pm Councillor Mel Allcott, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Worcester was ready.
“It’s about time we had an election. Change is needed and now is the time,” said Councillor Allcott.
“Rishi may take credit for inflation going down but its minimal comfort for those with high mortgages. People are sick of being taken for granted and the government cannot take credit for anything. The inflation drop, would have happened anyway regardless.
Meanwhile priorities to the public have been left to fester. The NHS has been turned into a shell of its former self. Clapping on doorsteps did nothing during Covid to help those workers do their jobs. Instead, we’ve seen closures like that of Farrier House GP surgery and the 40 new hospitals they promised are nowhere to be found.
The cost of living has skyrocketed, with inflation being out of control since Liz Truss was given the reigns. Let’s not forget that the Prime Minister lost in a leadership election to Ms Truss as well. He was considered by his own party to be WORSE than she was. Then when it turned out she was way out of her depth, he came in through the back door.
Members of the Tory party including Worcester’s very own Robin Walker have just toed the line in voting-through policies that have ruined our standing in the world as well as been damaging to the environment and the country we live in. Take their recent vote to allow sewage dumping into the rivers in Worcester. That saw a shocking 101% rise in the duration of sewage spills compared to the previous year. An analysis on official data from the Environment Agency, compiled by the House of Commons Library revealed that sewage was dumped into waterways in Worcester for 2,171 hours in 2023.
The Tories have lost control of the country and have been pretty much asleep at the wheel for years. They never acted unless it benefitted their rich donors and friends as we saw during the PPE scandal during the Covid pandemic. Meanwhile MPs like Worcester’s Robin Walker were forced to stand by and say nothing, being made to vote along party lines like their bosses told them to. Robin was less an MP and more an errand boy. No wonder he’s now stepping down.”
Mel Allcott has for years been a stalwart of the Worcester politics scene since she became a City Councillor in 20XX for the ward of Claines. She quickly rose in status and took the county council seat in 20XX seeing her vote share increase each time. In 2024”s city council election she was without a doubt the most popular candidate across all the wards in Worcester, garnering 1,798 votes, the most by any single candidate.
“Winning that amount of votes was humbling” said Cllr Allcott. “I never take any election for granted, but seeing those figures as well as the votes for my colleagues across Worcester was extremely gratifying. It showed to us that the Lib Dems in Worcester have a real support for what we stand for. Those who voted Conservative but have become disillusioned with their antics over the last 14 years have begun to turn to us and believe that what we are doing is the way to move Worcester forwards.”
In response to the election finally being called, Mel had only one thing to say: “Bring it on. Its time this Tory calamity was brought to an end and as the Liberal Democrat Candidate for Worcester I am ready to step up to that plate and deliver what the voters want: Strong Representation by a candidate from Worcester who delivers for the people of Worcester.”