Andrew Smith
Originally from Whitby in North Yorkshire, I moved to Worcester with my partner in 2015 after spending 9 months travelling around South East Asia. In 2018 we spent another 3 months travelling across the globe. We now have two young children, who love their local parks and woods.
Having travelled the world, I’ve seen how lucky we are to have a stable and functioning democracy in the UK. We take it for granted and in return we see far too many political games been played at our expense. I want to see people feeling valued and listened to, which means proportional representation, so the council better reflects the city.
I lead by example, taking my son on regular litter picks to show the importance of looking after the area he lives in. I’m here to listen to people and act on those concerns. I want to see a safe and prospering community which cares about society, the environment and empowers all.
Residents Take Priority
Making local government more representative of the residents it serves;
The Environment
Protecting our green spaces and woodlands from over development;
Review all areas of council spending. Cut or reprioritise wasteful spending;
Local Focus
Strive to support local businesses, press for more affordable housing and improved facilities for young people;
Buses & Bikes
An accessible and affordable public transport system in Worcester that reduces the need for private cars and supports active travel.
Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. If you want a community focused councillor who will listen and act in the best interests of constituents, and if you want a fairer, cleaner, greener Worcester, vote for me.
Please drop me an email if you have any questions or concerns.